Monday, 19 January 2015

Who's afraid of Blue Monday?

So apparently today is Blue Monday: the day someone decided we would all be hit with a heavy load of depression. This third Monday in January has been called this because it is thought to be caused by multiple factors: miserable weather, broken resolutions, post-Christmas debt and weight anxieties. Usually the credit card bills have dropped through the letterbox by now and the weight loss plan has gone awry. And the cold bleak weather which is acceptable at Christmas now becomes painful.

After the adrenaline rush of Black Friday way back in late November when we all lost our minds for a short period of time over the cheap price of electronic gadgets, and the wonderful mulled wine mist of Christmas we are now hit with nothing except long stretches of cold days and nights and not being able to go out because of bills. We sit on the sofa trying hard not to drink any alcohol because of Dry January (another term worthy of discussion) watching the endless award ceremonies where glamorous stars in designer clothes walk along sunlit red carpets in sunnier climes. Is it no surprise therefore that most of us feel a little less than gloomy?

Diet experts warn against eating and drinking too much sugar and caffeine products over this sad period: Apparently caffeine, found in coffee, cola and energy drinks, is often called a ‘drug’ as it acts as a stimulant and can improve the feelings of alertness, and counter the effects of fatigue. Therefore too much caffeine, particularly in people who are not used it, may cause the adverse effects of irritability and headache.

Hmm. So not only will we wake up feeling very depressed today, but we really shouldn't try to cheer ourselves up with a cup of coffee and a bar of chocolate. I don't expect a glass of wine is a good idea either. However, do not fear, I have come up with a few reasons why we should put Blue Monday back in its box and forget all about it:

1) Ligher Evening are on their way- It may be dark when you get up and when you get home from work. The trees are still bare. But at least it’s all going in the right direction now and today the sun will set at around 4.30 pm. It’s practically time to get the barbecue out.

2) Dry January - if you are taking part in not drinking all month, then you’re over halfway there.  Only twelve days to go until you can have a drink.  Or alternatively, if you are not taking part, then you've only go twelve days left of hearing people tell you how much better they feel and how much weight they’ve lost.

3) Broadchurch is on tonight and Wolf Hall starts on Wednesday -  need I say more?

4) Check out Facebook and YouTube for some photos of fluffy pictures of kitten/puppies/ducklings.  They always cheer me up.

5) Waitrose Pecorino and Basil Dip - out of this world delicious but not so good if you are trying to lose weight.    Enhanced by glass of white wine so not necessarily a good idea if you are doing Dry January (see 2 above).

6) Tomorrow is Tuesday and will no longer by Blue Monday.

Seriously though. It's only a day.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Too Much Choice?

It’s great to have choice isn’t it?  To be able to scan down a list of things and choose something you really want or need.  It’s wonderful to have the chance to pick colours or flavours, or even sizes.  That kind of choice is great.  Especially because it’s your choice and no one has foisted it on you.

But I do wonder if perhaps we have taken it all a little too far.  For example, a trip to a coffee shop can often be rather stressful. You place your order and are immediately asked if you want “an extra shot”, or “caramel flavouring” or “a cake”.  The thing is, you’ve stood in the line long enough to know that all your really want is your original choice – a coffee, a cappuccino, an espresso or a latte. If you’d wanted a latte with an extra shot and caramel syrup served with a large chocolate brownie you’d have asked for it in the first place.  You know your own decisions.  Don’t you?

It’s the same with certain shops now.  You go to buy a newspaper, or maybe a birthday card or a pen refill and they try to sell you half price chocolates or stamps.  Really?  If you wanted those things you’d have picked them up by now.  And isn’t constantly offering half price chocolates merely adding to the obesity problem we all so concerned about. Ditto above paragraph in the coffee shop.  This kind of pressure overrides all our good intentions and our own personal choices.

And then there’s the bank.  I don’t go in very often these days – it’s all online now or cash is withdrawn from the hole in the wall.  However, there are the odd occasions when I need to bank a cheque.  This transaction should be very straightforward.  Hand over the passbook with the cheque – thank you very much – but no.  Questions must be asked – services must be offered.  Once again – no thank you.  If I wanted home insurance I’d be asking for it right now.

And don’t get me started on the Post Office.  Stamps – pah!  Parcel postage?  Maybe you might want guaranteed the next day?  Signed for?  Insurance?  Your own personal jet to fly it there for you?  OK, I made that last one up.  No thank you kindly Postal worker, I just want to send this parcel first class that’s why I am here in the first place.  If I wanted to send it guaranteed next day, signed for and with insurance I’d tell you.  Honest.  So stop bugging me and just accept my choice.

Don’t get me wrong.  I am glad I live in a society where I have choices.  There are some who don’t have such luxuries.  But what I would really love is the chance to be able to make them all on my own and not have them questioned all the time.  That’s all I’m saying.

January 2015

New Year but there's still the washing.....

It's amazing isn't it.  A New Year sweeps in full of hope and bounty, making us sweep away the dust and cobwebs of 2014 and bring out all those resolutions and promises for the coming year.

But there is one thing that never changes.  Clothes are still worn and still  need to be washed.  I so wished I could have had the robotic housewife I asked Santa for, but twas not to be.  Sure I love my jewellery and boots Absent Husband gave me, but my very own housekeeper would have been the icing on the cake.

Talking of Absent Husband - he's around a lot these days and whilst helpful and useful (read IT support), he does seem to manage to walk passed the washing machine with not so much as a brief glance.

So unless someone invents the housewife robot, or clothes that don't get dirty, or heaven forbid a child helpful and keen, I guess I will just continue with loading and washing and drying and folding and ironing.

Beetroot juice and red wine in the shopping trolley. The adventures of Absent Husband at home

Absent Husband (who by the way is now no longer absent) is on a red thingy diet.  After reading an article in the paper about health for men over a certain age, he now drinks beetroot juice in the morning(yep you read it right). In the evening, red wine takes over the red rule.  I am beginning to think he is a vampire.

Now I don't have a problem per se with this whole beetroot thing.  But it does mean that we all live in fear of a spillage and it has made the weekly shop more expensive.  Talking of the weekly shop, Absent Husband came along with me the other day (I told you he was around at the moment). Now that was an illuminating experience.  Along with said beetroot juice, many other exotic and unusual things were added to the basket and of course, the levels of wine bottle purchased made the weekly shop a good 30% higher than normal.

But the purchasing doesn't just stop at food. Absent Husband has also managed to buy a shredder for his office.  Noisy.  A hedge trimmer for the garden.  Noisy.  And a cordless vacuum to make life easier?)  Noisy.  

Lucky for me I can go into the shed.