Tuesday 21 February 2012

Spring flowers, bees and a new stile

I have just enjoyed a wonderful Spring walk with Archie.  It is considerably warmer than this time last week and it is was heartening to see signs of Spring.  I got to thinking about the change of seasons and how much we rely on them to mark our way.  Seeing early spring flowers is warming to the heart, especially snowdrops.  There is something so fragile about them and despite the weather that is thrown at them they remain remarkably cheerful.  Here's a picture of some growing in my garden.

We now have crocus popping up everywhere and, remarkably, loads of bees busy pollinating. That's all a good sign and there was definitely a spring in my step as I walked Faithful Hound up into the woods and was confronted with a NEW STILE.  This was not there last week and is an unwelcome reminder that the farm nearby has put up serious fencing and clearly does not want to encourage walkers.  Still, Faithful Hound is not like Tigger for nothing and we made it over.

We are home now and he is in his basket.  I'm heading for my office.  Promise.

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the world of blogging ;) looking forward to reading more - see you Friday in the studio xxx
