Monday, 11 May 2015

Exam Stress Take Two!

In May 2013 I wrote a blog about exam stress.  At the time Eldest Son and Younger Son were embarking on study leave for their A levels and GCSEs.  Well, here we are two years on and once again the heavy cloud of exam revision is upon us. This time it is Younger Son in the A level seat and Only Daughter riding the GCSE wagon. 

The scene is similar – books, folders and laptops spread across the large dining table as they study across from each other, both of them plugged into IPods. The pages of my diary are jammed with exam dates and times so that I make sure I am around to drive the into school and pick them up.  The larder is stuffed full of potential snacks and food and I am trying really, really hard to project an aura of calm motherhood.  LOL!!!

Only Daughter is now known as The Machine in our house.  This is because of her ability to revise for hours on end without stopping.  She powers her way through work and if the mock results are anything to go by, it should pay off for her.  She needs no prompts or support from us other than a plate of food in front of her from time to time and an assuring hug when she’s feeling stressed.

Younger Son is another matter altogether.  Two years ago I was a policeman, always ensuring the PlayStation and TV remain in no man’s land.  This time around, Younger Son (much more stubborn than his placid older brother) is defiant.  He has chosen to ignore my warnings, telling me that at eighteen he is more than capable of determining when and how long his breaks should be.  And I guess he’s right.  He knows what’s at stake – two As and a B and his best University choice.  But still, it’s hard as a mother to let them have that slack.  You could argue that if I was at work, I wouldn’t know what was going on, and you’d be right.  How do working parents cope with these situations?  It’s all about trust and when you have a child who is clever and capable but has a short attention span you just have to let them find their way.  You have to trust them.

Just hope it pays off in August….

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