Monday 11 June 2012

Always Take the Weather with You

There's something completely predictable about a British summer.  It rains.  It's as simple as that.  This year it is even more ironic than ever.  A hosepipe ban is imposed.  It rains a few days later.  The first test match of the season starts.  It rains. A long bank holiday weekend arrives with long planned Jubilee events.  It rains.  Half term arrives.  It rains.  I sometimes wonder if it might be best NOT to plan any of these calendar events.  Well, at least don't tell the Weather about it and then just sneak an event in when the sun is out.  Anything planned in ink, written down or talked about for months before is bound to be hit by the Weather.

My May was spent dodging showers and digging out jumpers and coats again as the mercury fell in the middle of the month.  The test match at Lords was the coldest I have ever been watching cricket.  Watching the boys in white whilst wearing a scarf and gloves was not quite what I expected for my first time at Lords, still the following week things did pick up for Chelsea flower show and then had to dig out the suncream and floppy hat.  Honestly it drives me nuts and what's worse is having Only Daughter constantly asking me what she should wear - is it cold outside?  It is going to rain today?  Is it going to be hot?

On the writing front - well, the summer house is there ready now for me to find my way down there which I did a couple of weeks ago only to be found by Eldest Son who was at home on study leave.  First of all he was wondering what was for lunch, and then he began to kick the football up against the wall near the summer house.  The constant kick, kick, kick drove me nuts and so I retreated back to the house only to find Not So Absent Husband watching cricket on Sky on the TV.

These pictures prove that the sun did indeed shine at some point in May.  Lovely Chelsea blooms.

So here I sit in a coffee shop - it's raining outside and the windows are steaming up.  I am wondering if all those cricket games scheduled for this week will go ahead.  Anyway, it's back to writing.  Let's hope it stops raining soon or we will all have to grow webbed feet and begin to splash around in the puddles.  Might be more fun than getting annoyed. xx

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