Thursday 21 June 2012

Help - there are three teenagers in the house now!

Yes.  The day is almost upon us.  From Sunday onwards the house will be inhabited with THREE teenagers.  THREE!!

It's hard to imagine that only a few years ago (well, thirteen actually) a lovely older lady spoke to me in the park in Marlow.  Chloe was newborn in her pram and Harry was a terrible two year old running about with his older 4 and half year old brother chasing after him.  Her words were, and I quote "You've got your hands full there love".  At the time I brushed this aside.  Eldest Son was quiet and well behaved and reasonably civilised.  Younger Son was a bit of handful then, but he was only two and his position as the youngest child had been usurped by a creature in a pram.  I thought I was invincible. 

In a way, those were the easy years.  Teenagers with all their demands are far more needy and tiring and annoying. 

And as for Not So Absent Husband.  Well, having him at home is like having a fourth teenager.

Need I say more?

I love them really....

Vanessa x

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