The Stranger Within is making good progress although at 57,000 words, I was hoping to be further on by now. The story is now beginning to resemble that of a high plateau. If you think of a graph with the peaks and troughs representing mini climaxes (Ooh er Mrs) and inciting events, my story has now reached a slightly flat piece of ground which despite the terrain, I could only describe as hard work. It is a romantic suspense piece, so Red Herrings are dripping like red rain drops and even I am beginning to wonder just exactly who did it (only joking). I am enjoying my hero (don't we all) but most of all, my anti-hero is shaping up nicely.
The next two weeks will see me push forward as much as possible and no doubt I will be back on the roller coaster of peaks and troughs I need to make the story work. Targets are always difficult to maintain when you have no one standing over you with a big stick, but as the summer looms and family life intervenes, finishing the book has to become a priority.
Look out for my posting on 12th May when I take part in the My Writing Process Blog Hop.
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