Saturday 11 January 2014

Is there such a thing as a character graveyard?

The wonders of the new writing shed are starting to wear off.  Don't get me wrong, I love working down here and it's definitely quieter and more conducive to writing.  However, I have revamped and redrafted the plot and outline of my book some many times now that if I printed out the new versions of the opening chapters, I could actually use them as a foot stool.  (actually I do need a foot stool - it's better for my posture).

Anyway, the thing about writing with multiple characters is that you have to make sure they are relevant, that their role in the story is useful.  And you also do  not want too many characters or it becomes one of those situations that I, as a reader, absolutely hate, which is when you have to keep thinking about where all the characters fit in.

So, I have kept two of the original characters and replaced the other three with a new three.  Simple!  Well, not quite.  However, it could just be the right way forward.  I just feel sad about the three I have removed. Where do they go?  What do I do with them and all the things that they did in my story?  Is there a vault for unwanted characters?  Do I bury them in a character graveyard?  How many characters have ended up on a writer's floor?  Perhaps I can use them one day - somewhere else, in a new story with new characters to interact with.

Rest in peace Lizzie, Vivian and Helena.

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