Wednesday 29 January 2014

The Launch of Le Shed - my writer's shed is famous (well, a little)

Here is my blog for the London Writer's Club:

I may be no Roald Dahl but I do have the most wonderful garden house to write in. Sitting in prime position in a sunny part of my garden is my new summerhouse, equipped with insulated walls and roof, perfect for writing on a cold winter’s day. The light from the floor length windows makes me feel like I am outside and the peace and quiet it provides is great for creativity. Faithful Hound has a bed on the floor near my desk and my little kettle keeps me provided with tea. The only problem is the nearby neighbours noisy garden equipment…..

To be honest, it's been quite wet recently and trudging up and down to the shed (or Le Shed) is fraught with problems.  The muddy trail is a nightmare and even the two door mats are not quite doing the job.  When the rain stops (if if ever does) I will be down there with mop and bucket to give the floor a clean.  More diversionary tactics I hear you say?


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